
Wellness Center

Please note that the spa will be closed from 6 June until 25 October 2024

The Wellness Centre of the Cà del Moro Resort, is designed to be in harmony with the landscape surrounding the hotel, the same natural elements that we find around us in the riverside walks accompany us at the wellness centre.

Price for entry Euro 20,00 per individual.

Swimsuit, bathrobe and poolside slippers are required.

Guests are requested to confirm access to the Wellness Center during the booking of their stay.

Entry to minors is not permitted.

Credit cards are not accepted for payment of treatments.

Maximum silence is requested in respect for the welfare of everyone.

  • Wellness Center 3
    Vasca Idromassaggio

    posta all’inizio del percorso benessere, per un immediato effetto distensivo, utilizza il calore, l’assenza di gravità ed il massaggio, per alleviare la stanchezza accumulata e le tensioni muscolari. Immersi nell’acqua, che sostiene il vostro corpo, potete rilassarvi e superare rigidità e tensioni, il calore fa salire la temperatura corporea con il miglioramento della circolazione, ed aumenta l’effetto rilassante ed antidolore, i getti stimolano la produzione di endorfine, le naturali sostanze antidolorifiche.

  • Wellness Center 4
    Finnish Sauna

    The sauna possesses an extraordinary ability to relax and detoxificate and has positive effects on the mind and body. Nothing is more effective to relieve nervous tension and quell anxiety, because the sauna stimulates the natural balance of mental and physical conditions. The skin is purified and acids and toxins are eliminated. The autonomic nervous system is stimulated by improving your overall metabolism. The obvious aesthetic benefits reveal a renewed purity and brightness.

  • Wellness Center 5
    Turkish bath

    Due to its invigorating relaxing properties, the steam bath, proves one of the best therapy for fighting the stress and tension that we are subjected to on a daily basis. It is also a pleasant way to improve physical appearance and efficiently. The heat causes dilation of the pores which facilitate the penetration of the steam allowing the removal of impurities giving the skin brightness, softness and elasticity.

  • Wellness Center 6
    Emotional shower

    Shower time can become a multi-sensory journey into the heart of well-being, thanks to the association of the benefits of the emotional shower, sauna and Turkish bath. The key element, is of course water, whose positive energy in the presence of others factors ( aroma and colours ) combine for a regenerating shower against stress accumulated during the day.

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